Saturday, May 31, 2014

10 Undeniable Signs You’re a Chess Player


20 signs you're a chess playerWith more than 700 million people in the world playing chess. The chess players come in different forms, ages and strengths.  
But some of the things 'come standard' for all chess players.
Here are the 20 undeniable signs that you're a chess player!

1. Your 'heroes' are Fischer, Kasparov, Capablanca or the likes.
2. When you see 'L-shaped', you think of the 'Knight'.
3. When you see chess, anywhere, you get excited.
4. When you hear words 'bishop' or 'pawn' you always think chess.
5. You can name top 10 Grandmasteres from FIDE ratings list in your sleep.
6.  After losing a chess game, you cannot fall asleep sometimes.
7. You dream of becoming a GM, someday.
gm chess
8. You don't understand how is that someone doesn't know how a Rook moves.
9. When you see an imprinted chess position, you immediately start solving it.
chess position
10. When you see a chess board image, you automatically check the correctness of King and Queen placement as well as the board orientation.
11. When you have 10 minutes to spare, you think of playing a blitz game.
chess blitz
12. You are extremely competitive over the board and lose means end of the world.
13. Winning a good game of chess can make your day... or a week.
chess win
14. You know how to appreciate a beautiful Queen sac with a mate in 3 coming.
15. You think Houdini is a chess engine, not a magician.
16. You know what words like 'en-passant' and 'castling' mean.
17. You know the list of the World Champions better than the presidents.
18. When choosing between Android and iOS you think in terms of who has the best chess apps.
19. You can name at least 5 favorite chess websites you visit often.
20. You know what '2800' rating means.

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